凡走過必留下痕跡,希望有天可以飛上天,遨遊天際,過個無拘無束的生活。 愛他請不要拋棄牠,沒有狗狗一開始就是流浪狗的,愛牠請負起責任照顧牠,畢竟是一條寶貴的生命。 請支持酒駕列入蓄意殺人刑責 生命是寶貴的沒有人有權力能奪走他人生命
2011年10月18日 星期二
Murach’s HTML, XHTML, and CSS: Training & Reference
【檔案名稱】:Murach’s HTML, XHTML, and CSS: Training & Reference
【英文名稱】:Murach’s HTML, XHTML, and CSS: Training & Reference
【檔案數量】:共1個檔 [檔案都有加入3%恢復紀錄檔 有問題請修復]
【壓縮格式】:rar [請使用RAR3.92版本以上解壓]
【解壓密碼】:no 檔案中有註明
【內容簡介】:Whether you’re just starting out in web development or you’d like to update your existing skills, this book gets you off to a fast start! In fact, in just the first 6 chapters, you’ll learn more about web development than you can from most full books. By the end of this crash course, you’ll be developing web pages the professional way, with HTML or XHTML for the content and CSS for the formatting and page layout. That includes sophisticated page layouts that require the use of the box model, floating, and positioning.In section 2, you’ll learn all the other skills that you need for developing web pages. Those skills include how to develop forms that are submitted to web servers, how to add audio or video to a page, how to use a style sheet for printing, how to develop pages for mobile devices�圯verything you need for modern web pages. You’ll also learn how to take your web pages to the next level by using tested JavaScript code for effects like image rollovers and slide shows.In the last section, now that you know how to develop web pages, you’ll learn how to design an entire web site using today’s best practices. You’ll also learn how to deploy your web site, and how to get it into the major search engines and directories. When you’re done, you’ll have all the perspective and skills you need to develop professional web pages.
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