
2011年8月30日 星期二

Practical JIRA Plugins By Matthew B. Doar

【檔案名稱】:Practical JIRA Plugins By Matthew B. Doar
【檔案語言】:英文 原文書
【檔案數量】: 共1個檔 3.7MB
【壓縮格式】: ZIP
【建議工具】: JD+FreeRapid

Practical JIRA Plugins By Matthew B. Doar
Publisher: O’Rei..lly Media 2011 | 112 Pages | ISBN: 1449308279 |  PDF

One advantage of using JIRA for issue tracking, bug tracking, or project management is the ability to extend this tool with hundreds of plugins from the JIRA community. In this concise book, software toolsmith Matt Doar—the author of Practical JIRA Administration—shows you how to create and maintain your own JIRA plugins to meet the specific needs of a project.
This book uses detailed examples to clarify some of the more confusing aspects of JIRA plugins, and serves as an ideal supplement to the extensive documentation already available.

Use JIRA’s Plugin SDK, and learn several aspects common to all plugins
Create your own custom field type, using a JIRA plugin
Delve into advanced aspects of custom field plugins, and discover how searching for values in custom fields works
Create JIRA plugins to use with workflows, and learn about conditions, validators, and post-functions
Store data using the PropertySet interface and the Active Objects plugin
Upgrade a plugin and upload it to Atlassian Plugin Exchange (PAC)
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